
A more comprehensive glossary can be found at:
- Bias: An unfair preference for or dislike of something.
- Discrimination: Unfair treatment of one person or group, usually
because of prejudice about race, ethnic group, age group, religion,
sexuality or gender.
- Gadjo/i/e, Gajo: (male/female/plural) The Romani word for
a non-Roma person.
- Gitano, Gitan: Spanish and French words for "Gypsy", deriving from
"Egyptien" and "Egiptano"
- Gypsy: Most commonly understood label for Romani people. It is
disliked by many, partly due to derogatory connotations and partly
because it is a misnomer; "Gypsy" is abbreviated from Egyptian
('gyptian') because of a mistaken belief that the Roma came from Egypt
or a part of Europe once known as 'Little Egypt' (comparable to naming
Native Americans "Indians"). The word "Gypsy" (sometimes spelled
"gips") is like "gitan" in French, or "gitano" in Spanish.
- Kumpanía: Romani word meaning a group of Roma travelling or
living together in a territory in an economic and residential association.
- Machváya/Machwaya: A Roma clan originating in the Balkans.
- Porrajmos/porraimos: Romani word for the Nazi Holocaust.
Literally means "Devouring."
- Persecute: 1. To harass or punish in a manner designed to injure,
grieve, or afflict; specifically: to cause to suffer because of belief
2. To annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks...)
- Pogrom: An organized massacre of helpless people.
- Prejudice: 1. A pre-formed opinion, usually an unfavorable one,
based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate
stereotypes. 2. An unfounded hatred, fear, or mistrust of a person or
group, especially one of a particular religion, ethnicity, nationality, or
social status.
- Profiling: Racial profiling, also known as racial stereotyping, is the
inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a
person is likely to commit a particular type of crime. In the United States
in the 1990s, the practice became controversial among the general public
as the potential for abuse by law enforcement came to light.
- Rom (also Rrom): Romani person or people (singular or plural noun).
e.g. "He is a Rom", "200 Rom came to the wedding"; collective noun,
e.g. "The Rom hailed from India".
- Roma: Plural of Rom
- Romanes/Romani: Romani language
- Romani: The adjective used to describe the Rom people. Sometimes
also used as a noun.
- Romní: A Romani woman
- Stereotype: Something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; a
standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a
group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude,
or uncritical judgment