
Take Action!
Now more than ever, there are many opportunities for people to learn more and to
get involved. Here are some ideas of things you can do to help, and links to sites that
provide useful information for anyone who is interested inlearning more.
What You Can Do:
a) Write an editorial for your local or school
newspaper -- ask them to publish more about your
Romani neighbors, not just Gypsy stereotypes.
b) If there is a Holocaust class in your school, check if Roma
are included in the history. If not, ask why not?
c) Next time you hear a racist slur about Gypsies,
speak up. If you read it in the newspaper, write
and explain why it is of fensive or ignorant to talk
about Gypsies as stereotypes, rather than real
d) Avoid racist words like "gypped"
e) Watch more films about Roma. Or show this film
to friends and family and discuss it with them.
f) Get Informed. Just by knowing more, you
decrease the world's ignorance about Roma…
For more information: