
This is the most commonly understood label, although it is disliked by many of those whom it describes, partly because of its derogatory connotations and partly because it is a misnomer."Gypsy" is an abbreviation of Egyptian ('gyptian) because of the mistaken belief that these people came from Egypt or a part of Europe once known as Little Egypt. (Comparable to calling Native Americans "Indians").
The word “Gypsy” (occasionally spelled “Gipsy”) is comparable to “Gitan” in French, or “Gitano” in Spanish.
noun, singular or plural e.g. "He is a Rom", "200 Rom came to the wedding."
collective noun, e.g. "The Rom originally came from India."
[May also be spelled with two R's, Rrom ]
noun, plural or collective e.g. "200 Roma came to the wedding"; "The Roma originally came from India."
[May also be spelled with two R's, Rroma ]
Adjective, e.g. "There are about one million Romani people in North America"
Noun, e.g.: "The language spoken by Romani people is called Romani or Romanès." [May also be spelled with two R's, Rromani ]