
"It would be great if by experiencing the Romani people and their music, people can learn more about them and understand that - what you've believed about these people has been a lie your entire life."
"The whole world should see Roma as an example. They've never gone to war. They did not occupy any country. Did not harm anyone. But, instead, they get only evil."
(in Macedonia recounting the experience of her father at the hands of the Nazis)
"I sing in the Romani language.
Tell them! It's very important, I never assimilated for anyone. My songs are full of sadness, happiness, tradition, culture. And it's typical Gypsy music without any assimilation. For that I got the official name "Queen of the Gypsies" that I got in India, in Chandigarh in 1976."
(on the tour bus doing a phone interview for the Miami Herald with keyboard player Elvis Huna interpreting)
FANFARE CIOCARLIA percussionist, Ionitsa Nicolae:
"At Gypsy parties, we sing with fire and heart in our souls - the real Gypsy way"
FANFARE CIOCARLIA lead singer, Ioan Ivancea:
"Our first tour was in Germany. So we were happy to go, but also sad. We didn't know if they'd welcome us in Germany if they believed rumors about Gypsies, that we kill and steal. It made no difference. They clapped and cheered normally. We were happy that they didn't hate us."
(at home in Zece Prajini, Romania)
"I like to go on tour and earn money for these grandchildren of mine.
I'm Nicolae Neacsu! A star!
I'm going to build a swimming pool like Johnny Depp."
(TARAF DE HAIDOUKS' lead violinist introduces us to his home and family in Clejani, Romania.)
"I feed this whole family. I hope that God keeps me healthy. I feel sorry for them, I tell them "I won't give you anything," but my heart says something else. The girl who plays the accordion - I pay for her studies in Bucharest. I pay the school, I pay money. I want her to study, to open her mind. That's why a man lives. To work and do something in life. Not for myself, I'm already old. "
(sadly, Nicolae Neacsu's death left his extended family without income - we hope to find a good way to contribute to them with any profits this film might make).
MAHARAJA'S Chayar Khan Langa:
"God's greatest creation is music.
Raga music is the greatest joy - better than land, wisdom, or being father of 1000 sons.
Music contains all of life."
(backstage on tour, paraphrasing a Hindi saying)
"I hope this tour can show the most lively, human and beautiful part of being Gypsy. Because, unfortunately, Gypsies have been marginalised and persecuted for years."
(backstage on tour)
"Flamenco is the Gypsy people's way of showing their feelings and of expressing their cry to the world."
(at home in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain)
"What defines me most as an artist is being Gypsy. Flamenco came from the Gypsy people and Flamenco is very important in Spain. Maybe we really have something special to show the world."
"'Duende' is the spirit that makes you cry or laugh. You don't have to know the music, but it moves you... you feel like laughing or crying, you get chills... It's not something you learn. It comes from inside. That's the Duende!"
(speaks of the indefinable 'soul' or imp that performers invoke to be part of their music)
"I had an awful time - the helplessness. Seeing my husband and my son into that stuff, it was awful. Yes, I swear, I said, I can't take it any longer. I'll kill myself, take poison, throw myself under a car. And that's why He came into our lives. They've all recovered, thanks to the Lord.
That must be the pain in my voice."
(became a Born Again Christian after her family recovered from drug addiction)
JUANA LA DEL PIPA's husband:
"Gypsies carry protest inside themselves. Her parents and grandparents, all the early Gypsies protested against society - in song."
(Juana's husband, Manuel, talks proudly about his wife and her family)